Our Courses & Learning Products

FREE Courses

How fast do you read?

FREE ONLINE COURSE - Here you will find a step-by-step guide on how to find out how fast you read today! 

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1-on-1 Online Coaching

Do You Need Help NOW!

$147.00 USD

Private 1-on-1 Online Coaching Sessions - Very Limited Availability

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1-on-1 Online Coaching! - TRIPLE Your Reading Speed in 30 DAYS!

$797.00 USD

4-week Comprehensive 1-on-1 Online Speed Reading Coaching Program to Upgrade Your Reading Skills. - Very Limited Availability.

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BOOKWORMS! - How to Encourage Your Child to Read & Ignite a Lifelong Passion for Reading!


A 1-on-1 ONLINE COACHING PROGRAM for Parents of  Children age 13 and younger.

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1-on-1 Online Coaching! - The High-Performance Reader!

$1997.00 USD

8-12-week Comprehensive 1-on-1 Online Online Coaching Program to Upgrade & Enhance Your Reading Skills & Habits for Life! - Very Limited Availability.

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Online Courses

BOOKWORMS! - How to Encourage Your Child to Read & Ignite a Lifelong Passion for Reading!

A Online Course for Parents of  Children age 13 and younger.

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3 week Comprehensive Speed Reading Program - for College or University Students!

More Reading Speed = More Focus + More Comprehension! Improve Your Reading Skills, Study Skills & Notetaking Skills!

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Speed Reading Teens - a course for 13-16-year-old teens!

More Reading Speed = More Focus + More Comprehension! Improve Your Reading Skills, Study Skills & Notetaking Skills!

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Ebooks & Audiobooks

Kindle > Speed Reading Simplified for Beginners

$9.99 USD

Available on Amazon.com

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Audiobook > Speed Reading Simplified for Beginners

$9.97 USD

The full unabridged audiobook read by the author!

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